Amsterdam is a 2022 period comedy thriller film written, directed, and produced by David O. Russell. Led by Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, and John David Washington, the film features an ensemble cast including Chris Rock, Anya Taylor-Joy, Zoe Saldaña, Mike Myers, Michael Shannon, Timothy Olyphant, Andrea Riseborough, Taylor Swift, Matthias Schoenaerts, Alessandro Nivola, Rami Malek, and Robert De Niro. It was released in the United States on October 7, 2022, by 20th Century Studios.
The story is based on the Business Plot, a 1933 political conspiracy in the US, and follows three friends—a doctor, a nurse, and a lawyer—who are caught in the mysterious murder of a retired US general. Filmed in Los Angeles from January to March 2021, it is Russell’s first film since Joy (2015). It received mixed reviews from critics, most of whom praised the production design and the cast’s performances, but criticized Russell’s screenplay and direction. It was also a box office bomb, with estimated losses for the studio reaching $97 million.
source: wiki